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Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing. Payment is by Visa or Mastercard only.

Click here for more payment options.

 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Rate PaymentPlease have your Rates & Valuation notice handy
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Animal Registration RenewalPay for your Animal Registration Renewal
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Animal InfringementsPlease have your Animal Infringement handy.
Parking InfringementsPlease have your Parking Ticket handy.
Local Laws InfringementsPlease have any other Infringement Ticket handy.
Environmental Protection (Health & Tobacco) InfringementsPlease have any other Infringement Ticket handy.
Food Act InfringementsPlease have your Food Act Infringement handy.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
LicencePlease have your renewal application handy.
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
BookingsPayments for Community Centre Hire Fees, Recreation and event facilities & permits
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Other Payment(Including Pre Schools, Childcare and Aged & Disability Services) Please have your Invoice or Statement handy
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
ApplicationPayment portal for applications, including building and planning permits, building file information and flu vaccine. You will need the payment reference from your invoice
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions